ANGELA Like what?
SUE Well, she doesn’t really need to set this one table for lunch, does she? It’s just an excuse. All the other tables are ready. Anyway, it’s not lunch-time for another couple of hours.
ANGELA Then why don’t we just tell her we want to sit here for a while?
SUE Because we’ve been sitting here for three hours already!
ANGELA We could say we want to let our breakfast settle.
SUE Do you suppose she would be interested?
ANGELA Well then, how about…
SUE What?
ANGELA How about we tell her that we’re secret agents…
SUE Secret agents!
ANGELA And we have to keep watch on that shop doorway over the road. She’d let us stay then, surely?
CHARLOTTE, a maid, enters and looks around.
SUE Do you seriously expect her to believe that?
ANGELA She seems gullible enough.
SUE So are you, if you want my opinion.
ANGELA You think of something, then.
SUE All right, I will.
CHARLOTTE exits again.
ANGELA Quick, before she comes back.
SUE Got it!
ANGELA Let’s hear it, then.
SUE She’ll have to let us stay.
ANGELA Tell me!
SUE I’ll get you some more coffee, then she can’t object.